parse_xml Module

parsed_VOEvent Class

class tracet.parse_xml.parsed_VOEvent(xml, packet=None, trig_pairs=None)[source]

Parses a VOEvent XML file or packet and extracts the useful information from most telescope formats.


The location of an XML file you wish to parse

packetstr, optional

The contents of an XML file you wish to parse (instead of the file).

trig_pairslist, optional

A list of strings in the format “{telescope}_{event_type}” that you consider interesting.


The location of an XML file you wish to parse.


The contents of an XML file you wish to parse (instead of the file).


A list of strings in the format “{telescope}_{event_type}” that you consider interesting.


The duration of the event in seconds.


The date and time that event was observed.


The name of the telescope that observed this event.


The type of the event that is extracted from the ivorn (e.g. BAT_GRB_Pos).


The right ascension in degrees.


The right ascension in the format “HH:MM:SS.SS”.


The declination in degrees.


The declination in the format “DD:MM:SS.SS”.


The uncertainty in the event position in degrees.


If the event should be ignored (e.g. test or unknown events).


The predicted source type (GRB, FS, NU or GW).


The ID the telescope has given the event.


What number/sequence this event is for the trig_id group.


The name of the source from the telescope.


If the telescope has identified it as a GRB.


The role of the observation (eg. test or observation).


The rating (1 is best) for Antares sources.


The probability the source is real the Fermi provides (it appears to be a percentage).


An index that Fermi uses to describe what sort of source the Event is. GRBs are four, so this is what we check for.


The “RATE_SIGNIF” (appears to be a signal-to-noise ratio) to observe for SWIFT sources (in sigma).


False alarm rate, a statistic that is used to describe the significance of a gravitational-wave event.


Likelyhood of the event being a BNS (0-1 range)


Likelyhood of the event being a NSBH (0-1 range)


Likelyhood of the event being a BBH (0-1 range)


Likelyhood of the event being terrestrial (noise) (0-1 range)


Likelyhood of the event including a neutron star (0-1 range)


Message for why observation has been retracted


The contents of a sky map (shows GW probability) in a multi-order FITS format as a Base64-encoded string.


Shows GW probability of the hights prob tile in the skymap


Skymap file from url

get_telescope Function


Check ivorn for the telescope name


Descriptor string of the event.


The telescope name.

get_event_type Function


Get the type of event from the ivorn


Descriptor string of the event.


The type of the event

load_swift_source_database Function


Load the SWIFT source database file within the repo into a pandas dataframe.

get_source_types Function

tracet.parse_xml.get_source_types(telescope, event_type, source_name, v)[source]

Predict what the source type of the event.


The name of the telescope that observed this event.


The type of the event that is extracted from the ivorn (e.g. BAT_GRB_Pos).


The name of the source from the telescope.


The xml loaded into the voeventparse class.


Source typre of the event (GRB, FS, NU or GW).

get_position_info Function


Get the ra,dec,err from a given voevent.


The xml loaded into the voeventparse class.

ra, dec, errtuple

A tuple of (ra, dec, err) where ra,dec are the coordinates in J2000 and err is the error radius in deg.

trigger_logic Module

worth_observing_grb Function

tracet.trigger_logic.worth_observing_grb(event_duration=None, fermi_most_likely_index=None, fermi_detection_prob=None, swift_rate_signif=None, hess_significance=None, pos_error=None, dec=None, event_any_duration=False, event_min_duration=0.256, event_max_duration=1.023, pending_min_duration_1=0.124, pending_max_duration_1=0.255, pending_min_duration_2=1.024, pending_max_duration_2=2.048, fermi_min_detection_prob=50, swift_min_rate_signif=0.0, minimum_hess_significance=0.0, maximum_hess_significance=1.0, maximum_position_uncertainty=None, atca_dec_min_1=None, atca_dec_max_1=None, atca_dec_min_2=None, atca_dec_max_2=None, proposal_telescope_id=None, decision_reason_log='', event_id=None)[source]

Decide if a GRB Event is worth observing.

event_durationfloat, optional

The duration of the VOevent in seconds.

fermi_most_likely_indexint, optional

An index that Fermi uses to describe what sort of source the Event. GRBs are 4 so this is what we check for.

fermi_detection_probint, optional

A GRB detection probabilty that Fermi produces as a percentage.

swift_rate_signiffloat, optional

A rate signigicance that SWIFT produces in sigma.

event_any_duration: `Bool`, optional

If True will trigger on an event with any duration including None. Default False.

event_min_duration, event_max_durationfloat, optional

A event duration between event_min_duration and event_max_duration will trigger an observation. Default 0.256, 1.023.

pending_min_duration_1, pending_max_duration_1float, optional

A event duration between pending_min_duration_1 and pending_max_duration_1 will create a pending observation. Default 0.124, 0.255.

pending_min_duration_2, pending_max_duration_2float, optional

A event duration between pending_min_duration_2 and pending_max_duration_2 will create a pending observation. Default 1.024, 2.048.

fermi_min_detection_probfloat, optional

The minimum fermi_detection_prob to trigger or create a pending observation. Default: 50.

swift_min_rate_signiffloat, optional

The minimum swift_rate_signif to trigger or create a pending observation. Default: 0.0.

decision_reason_logstr, optional

A log of all the decisions made so far so a user can understand why the source was(n’t) observed. Default: “”.

event_idint, optional

An Event ID that will be recorded in the decision_reason_log. Default: None.


If True an observations should be triggered.


If True a debug alert should be sent out.


If True will create a pending observation and wait for human intervention.


A log of all the decisions made so far so a user can understand why the source was(n’t) observed.

triggerservice Module

web_api Function

tracet.triggerservice.web_api(url='', urldict=None, postdict=None, username=None, password=None, logger=<RootLogger root (DEBUG)>)[source]

Given a url, an optional dictionary for URL arguments, and an optional dictionary containing data to POST, open the appropriate URL, POST data if supplied, and return the result of the call converted from JSON format to a Python dictionary.

  • url – The full URL to open, minus any trailing ?name=value&name2=value2… arguments

  • urldict – Optional Python dictionary to be URL-encoded and appended as …?name=value&name2=value2&… data in the URL itself

  • postdict – Python dictionary to be converted to JSON format and POSTed with the request.

  • logger – If a logger object is passed, log activity to it, otherwise use the default logger which will suppress all output.

  • username – Optional BASIC auth username

  • password – Optional BASIC auth password


A tuple of (result, header) where result is a Python dict (un-jsoned from the text), the text itself, or None, and ‘header’ is the HTTP header object (use .get_param() to extract values) or None.

busy Function

tracet.triggerservice.busy(project_id=None, obstime=None, logger=<RootLogger root (DEBUG)>)[source]

Call with a project_id and a desired observing time. This function will return False if the given project_id is allowed to override current observations from now for the given length of time, or True if not.

Note that a False result doesn’t guarantee a later call to trigger() will succeed, as new observations may have been added to the schedule in the meantime.

  • project_id – eg ‘C001’

  • obstime – eg 1800

  • logger – optional logging.logger object



vcsfree Function

tracet.triggerservice.vcsfree(logger=<RootLogger root (DEBUG)>)[source]

This function will return the maximum number of seconds that a VCS trigger will be allowed to request, given the current free space, and upcoming VCS observations in the schedule.

Note that this doesn’t guarantee a later call to trigger() will succeed, as new VCS observations may have been added to the schedule in the meantime.


logger – optional logging.logger object



obslist Function

tracet.triggerservice.obslist(obstime=None, logger=<RootLogger root (DEBUG)>)[source]

Call with a desired observing time. This function will return a list of tuples containing (starttime, obsname, creator, projectid, mode) for each observation between ‘now’ and the given number of seconds in the future.

  • obstime – eg 1800

  • logger – optional logging.logger object


list of (starttime, obsname, creator, projectid, mode) tuples

trigger Function

tracet.triggerservice.trigger(project_id=None, secure_key=None, group_id=None, ra=None, dec=None, alt=None, az=None, source=None, subarray_list=None, freqspecs=None, creator=None, obsname=None, nobs=None, exptime=None, calexptime=None, calibrator=None, freqres=None, inttime=None, avoidsun=None, vcsmode=None, buffered=None, pretend=None, logger=<RootLogger root (DEBUG)>)[source]

Call with the parameters that describe the observation/s to schedule, and those observations will be added to the schedule immediately, starting ‘now’.

You can pass more than one position, in any combination of:

  • one or more RA/Dec pairs

  • one or more alt/az pairs

  • one of more source names

Observations will be generated for each position given, in turn (all RA/Dec first, then all Alt/Az, then all source names) unless the ‘subarrays’ list of subarray names is provided, in which case each position will be allocated to one subarray, and observed simultaneously.

You can also pass, for example, one Alt value and a list of Az values, in which case the one Alt value will be propagated to the other Az’s. For example, alt=70.0, az=[0,90,180] will give [(70,0), (70,90), (70,180)]. The same is true for RA/Dec.

You can also pass more than one frequency specifier, in which case observations will be generated for each choice of frequency, AT each position.

If the ‘avoidsum’ parameter is True, then the coordinates of the target and calibrator are shifted slightly to put the Sun in a beam null. For this to work, the target coordinates must be RA/Dec values, not Alt/Az.

If ‘buffered’ is specified, and True, then instead of scheduling new observations, a voltage buffer dump of all available past data will be triggered, and voltage capture will continue from ‘now’ until (nobs * exptime) seconds into the future. Existing observations in the schedule, from ‘now’ until that time, will be truncated or deleted.

The structure returned is a dictionary, containing the following:

  • result[‘success’] - a boolean, True if the observations were scheduled successfully, False if there was an error.

  • result[‘errors’] - a dictionary, containing integer keys from 0-N, where each value is an error message. Normally empty.

  • result[‘params’] - a dictionary containing all parameters passed to the web service, after parsing, and some extra parameters calculated by the web service (the name of the automatically chosen calibrator, etc).

  • result[‘clear’] - the commands used to clear the schedule. It contains the keys/values:

    • ‘command’: The full command line

    • ‘retcode’: The integer return code from that command

    • ‘stderr’: The output to STDERR from that command

    • ‘stdout’: The output to STDOUT from that command

  • result[‘schedule’] - the commands used to schedule the triggered observations. It contains the keys/values:

    • ‘command’: A string containing all of the command lines

    • ‘retcode’:The integer return code from the shell spawned to run those commands

    • ‘stderr’: The output to STDERR from those commands

    • ‘stdout’: The output to STDOUT from those commands

  • result[‘obsid_list’] - (only if buffered is True) The observation IDs of all MWA observations covered by the buffer dump and subsequent voltage capture. Use these observation IDs to download the voltage capture files, and to determine the telescope setting/s during the time span including the captured data.

  • project_id – eg ‘C001’ - project ID for the triggered observations

  • secure_key – password associated with that project_id

  • group_id – optional group ID - the start time of a previously triggered observation of the same event

  • ra – Either one RA (float, in hours), or a list of RA floats. Eg 12.234, or [11.0, 12.0]

  • dec – Either one Dec (float, in degrees), or a list of Dec floats. Eg -12.234, or [-26.0, -36.0]

  • alt – Either one Alt (float, in degrees), or a list of Alt floats. Eg 80.0, or [70.0, 90.0]

  • az – Either one Az (float, in degrees), or a list of Az floats. Eg 250.3, or [90.0, 270.0]

  • source – Either one source name string, or a list of source name strings. Eg ‘Sun’, or [‘Sun’, ‘Moon’]

  • subarray_list – An optional list of subarray names, the same length as the total number of points (ra/decs, alt/azs, etc)

  • freqspecs – Either one frequency specifier string, or a list of frequency specifier strings. Eg ‘145,24’, or [‘121,24’, ‘145,24’]

  • creator – Creator string, eg ‘Andrew’

  • obsname – Observation name string, eg ‘Fermi Trigger 20180211.1234’

  • nobs – Number of observations to schedule for each position/frequency combination

  • exptime – Exposure time of each observation scheduled, in seconds (must be modulo-8 seconds)

  • calexptime – Exposure time of the trailing calibrator observation, if applicable, in seconds

  • calibrator – None or False for no calibrator observation, a source name to specify one, or True to have one chosen for you.

  • freqres – Correlator frequency resolution for observations. None to use whatever the current mode is, for lower latency. Eg 40

  • inttime – Correlator integration time for observations. None to use whatever the current mode is, for lower latency. Eg 0.5

  • avoidsun – boolean or integer. If True, the coordinates of the target and calibrator are shifted slightly to put the Sun in a null.

  • vcsmode – boolean. If True, the observations are made in ‘Voltage Capture’ mode instead of normal (HW_LFILES) mode.

  • buffered – boolean. If True and vcsmode, trigger a Voltage capture using the ring buffer.

  • pretend – boolean or integer. If True, the and commands will be generated but NOT run.

  • logger – optional logging.logger object


dictionary structure describing the processing (see above for more information).

triggerbuffer Function

tracet.triggerservice.triggerbuffer(project_id=None, secure_key=None, pretend=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, obstime=None, logger=<RootLogger root (DEBUG)>)[source]

Trigger an immediate dump of the memory buffers to disk, using ‘start_time’ as the earliest time to capture (zero, or any time earlier than the oldest time in the buffer, means ‘save as much as possible’. If ‘end_time’ is specified, save data only up to (but not necessarily including) that time, or if ‘obs_time’ is specified, then keep capturing voltages until that many seconds from ‘now’. Existing observations in the schedule, from ‘now’ until that time, will be truncated or deleted.

For triggers requiring continued capturing after the trigger, you would normally pass zero to start_time, and a duration to obstime as a capture duration, counted from the time that the trigger takes place.

For captures requiring only one or two subfiles at a specific time in the past, you would pass specific GPS times to start_time and stop_time, and not use obstime.

Note that if start_time and end_time are both specified, and both zero, no subfiles are captured, but otherwise the full end-to-end process takes place as a null operation, including calls to all 24 MWAX servers.

The structure returned is a dictionary, containing the following:

  • result[‘success’] - a boolean, True if the observations were scheduled successfully, False if there was an error.

  • result[‘errors’] - a dictionary, containing integer keys from 0-N, where each value is an error message. Normally empty.

  • result[‘params’] - a dictionary containing all parameters passed to the web service, after parsing, and some extra parameters calculated by the web service (the name of the automatically chosen calibrator, etc).

  • result[‘clear’] - the commands used to clear the schedule. It contains the keys/values:

    • ‘command’: The full command line

    • ‘retcode’: The integer return code from that command

    • ‘stderr’: The output to STDERR from that command

    • ‘stdout’: The output to STDOUT from that command

  • result[‘schedule’] - the commands used to trigger the buffer dump and add a VOLTAGE_STOP observation. It contains the keys/values:

    • ‘command’: A string containing all of the command lines

    • ‘retcode’: The integer return code from the shell spawned to run those commands

    • ‘stderr’: The output to STDERR from those commands

    • ‘stdout’: The output to STDOUT from those commands

  • result[‘obsid_list’] - The observation IDs of all MWA observations covered by the buffer dump and subsequent voltage capture. Use these observation IDs to download the voltage capture files, and to determine the telescope setting/s during the time span including the captured data.

  • project_id – eg ‘C001’ - project ID for the triggered observations

  • secure_key – password associated with that project_id

  • pretend – boolean or integer. If True, the triggervcs command will NOT be run.

  • logger – optional logging.logger object

  • start_time – Optional earliest time to capture - defaults to zero, for ‘as early as possible’.

  • end_time – Optional end time, in GPS seconds, to capture (can also be in the past).

  • obstime – Duration of data capture, in seconds, if end_time is not specified. Counts from ‘now’, not the time in the past when data capture started.


dictionary structure describing the processing (see above for more information).