Creating a New Proposal

This web application is designed to handle several science cases using several telescopes at once through “proposals”. Your project may have several proposals. For example, if you want to observe GRBs from SWIFT with the MWA and ATCA, you will need to make two proposals. One observes GRBs from SWIFT with the MWA, and another observes GRBs with ATCA.

Step 1: Creating the Proposal

Admin users can create and edit proposals in the Edit Proposal Settings page. Each item has a description which should be sufficient to set up your proposal.

Step 2: Check the Flowchart

Once you’ve created a proposal, you should check the flowchart to confirm that the trigger logic is what you require for your science case and telescope allocation. To view your proposal’s flowchart, click the “View Flow Diagram” button for your proposal in the “Current Proposal Settings (Summarised)” table on the home page. You can always edit your settings and thresholds if this is not what you require.

Step 3: Update Alert Permissions

By default, all users will have permission to receive trigger alerts and will not have permission to receive pending and debug alerts for all proposals. As an admin, you can give users you trust permission to receive debug and pending alerts and decide if a VOEvent should be triggered on or not. Use the Alert Pemission page to edit these permissions.

Step 4: Notify Users to Update their Alerts

All users have proposal specific alert settings, so to receive an alert for your proposal, all users must update their alerts on the User Alert Control page. Users can set multiple alert types per proposal (e.g. email and SMS) and per alert type (trigger, pending and debug). It is recommended that users set a phone call alert type for pending alerts to assure the pending decision is promptly investigated.