Gamma-ray Burst Triggering Logic

The function used to process GRBs is tracet.trigger_logic.worth_observing_grb(). The following flow diagram explains how the inputs to this function are used to decide to trigger, ignore or pending a human’s decision.

flowchart TD F[GRB] --> J{"(fermi_detection_prob > fermi_min_detection_prob \nand\n fermi_most_likely_index 4)\nor\nswift_rate_signif > swift_min_rate_signif"} J --> |True| K{"event_min_duration < trig_duration < event_max_duration"} J --> |False| END[Ignore] K --> |True| L[Trigger Observation] K --> |False| M{"pending_min_duration_1 < trig_duration < pending_max_duration_1\nor\npending_min_duration_2 < trig_duration < pending_max_duration_2"} M --> |True| N[Pending a human's decision] M --> |False| END style L fill:green,color:white style N fill:orange,color:white style END fill:red,color:white